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Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Machine: A Pioneering Solution for Efficient Water Treatment

By: Kate Chen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Aug 11th, 2023

In the realm of advanced water treatment technologies, the Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) machine stands as a beacon of innovation. Offering a revolutionary approach to separating solid and liquid particles, DAF technology has become a cornerstone in various industries, from municipal wastewater treatment to industrial processes.

The Science Behind DAF:

At its core, the Dissolved Air Flotation process relies on the principle of microbubble attachment. Wastewater laden with suspended solids and contaminants is introduced into the DAF tank. Tiny air bubbles are then introduced under pressure, attaching themselves to the particulate matter. These microbubble-laden particles rise to the surface, forming a floating sludge layer called a "float." The float is subsequently skimmed off, leaving behind clarified water that is significantly cleaner.

Key Components and Mechanisms:

Flocculation Chamber: Prior to entering the flotation tank, chemicals are often added to encourage the agglomeration of fine particles into larger, easier-to-remove flocs.

Pressurization System: Compressed air is dissolved into the wastewater under pressure, forming a solution rich in microscopic air bubbles. Within the pressurization system, air is judiciously dissolved into the water, resulting in a microbubble-rich solution. These microbubbles, averaging 30-50 micrometers in size, exhibit remarkable attachment properties to suspended solids. This is where the synergy of science and engineering takes center stage – microbubbles adhering to particles lead to their rapid ascent to the surface, culminating in the formation of the characteristic float layer.

Flotation Tank: This is where the magic happens. The pressurized, bubble-infused water is released into the flotation tank, causing the bubbles to attach to the suspended particles.

Skimming Mechanism: The float layer is gently removed from the surface using skimming mechanisms, leaving behind clean water.

Benefits of DAF:

Effective Particle Removal: DAF excels in removing fine particles that are often resistant to traditional sedimentation methods. DAF's efficiency is underscored by compelling data. Comparative studies have showcased DAF's prowess in outperforming conventional sedimentation methods, removing up to 99% of suspended solids and associated contaminants. The microbubbles' heightened buoyancy accelerates the separation process, yielding visibly clearer water within minutes.

Furthermore, in diverse influent scenarios, DAF exhibits its adaptability. Variable flow rates and influent compositions are efficiently managed, attesting to the technology's versatility. This adaptability not only enhances operational efficiency but also underlines DAF's role in mitigating the impact of fluctuating wastewater characteristics.

Enhanced Clarification: The microbubbles increase buoyancy, speeding up the separation process and leading to better clarity.

Reduced Chemical Usage: DAF's efficient particle removal can lead to reduced chemical consumption for subsequent treatment stages.

Space-Efficient: DAF machines are compact and require less space compared to other treatment methods.

Flexibility: DAF can handle varying influent qualities and flow rates, making it adaptable to changing conditions.


Municipal Wastewater Treatment: DAF plays a critical role in primary and tertiary treatment stages, ensuring that wastewater discharged into natural water bodies meets regulatory standards.

Industrial Processes: DAF is utilized in various industries like food processing, paper mills, and petrochemicals, effectively treating effluents laden with complex pollutants.

Oil and Gas Industry: DAF aids in the removal of oil and suspended solids from produced water, making it an essential step in minimizing environmental impact. The oil and gas industry echoes DAF's significance. In a Texas-based oil refinery, our DAF solution effectively extracted oil and suspended solids from produced water. This not only adhered to environmental regulations but also optimized resource recovery, aligning with sustainable industry practices.

Breweries and Wineries: DAF assists in the efficient removal of solids and contaminants from the production process, maintaining product quality.

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