Home / Technology / Material comparison of MBBR media: advantages and disadvantages of plastic VS. other materials

Material comparison of MBBR media: advantages and disadvantages of plastic VS. other materials

By: Kate Chen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Apr 17th, 2024

MBBR technology is widely used in the field of wastewater treatment, and the choice of media material directly affects the performance of the system. Among the media materials, plastic is a common choice, but how does it compare with other materials? In this paper, we will compare and analyze the application of plastics with other materials in MBBR media.


Advantages of plastic materials:

1, corrosion resistance: plastic has good corrosion resistance, can resist the corrosion of chemicals and microorganisms in the wastewater, thus extending the service life of the media.

2, lightweight and easy to install: plastic media is relatively lightweight, easy to transport and install, reducing the cost of system construction and maintenance.

3, good bio-adhesion: the plastic surface is smooth and has a certain degree of roughness, which is conducive to the attachment and growth of biofilm, improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

4, plasticity: plastic products can be customized according to the needs of processing, to adapt to different MBBR reactor design and operating conditions.

Disadvantages of plastic materials.

1, Greatly affected by temperature: under high temperature environment, some plastic materials may be softened or deformed, reducing the stability and service life of the medium.

2, Easy to light aging: Long-term exposure to sunlight, plastic may undergo light aging phenomenon, resulting in a decline in physical properties, requiring more frequent replacement and maintenance.

Advantages and disadvantages of other materials.

1, Ceramic media: ceramic media has excellent high temperature resistance and long service life, but the cost is higher, and heavier, more difficult to install and maintain.

2, Glass media: Glass media has good corrosion resistance and smooth surface, but it is fragile and not resistant to friction, which may cause damage and leakage.


In the selection of MBBR media, plastic as a common material has clear advantages, especially in terms of corrosion resistance, lightweight and easy installation, and bioadhesion. However, issues such as temperature effects and light aging also require attention. In practical application, the most suitable medium material can be selected based on comprehensive consideration of the specific situation to ensure the stable operation and good treatment effect of the MBBR system.

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