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MBBR Media Applications: From Municipal to Industrial Water Treatment

By: Kate Chen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Jun 14th, 2023

Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology has gained significant popularity in both municipal and industrial water treatment applications due to its versatility and effectiveness. MBBR media is a key component of MBBR systems and plays a crucial role in facilitating the biological treatment process.

Municipal Water Treatment:

Wastewater Treatment Plants:

MBBR technology is widely used in municipal wastewater treatment plants for both primary and secondary treatment. In primary treatment, MBBR media is employed to remove organic matter, suspended solids, and some portion of the nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus). In secondary treatment, MBBR systems provide a robust platform for the biological degradation of organic pollutants and further nutrient removal.In a municipal wastewater treatment plant, MBBR technology can be employed for nutrient removal, specifically nitrogen and phosphorus. MBBR media, with its large surface area, provides an ideal environment for the growth of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. These bacteria convert ammonia to nitrate and subsequently break down nitrate into nitrogen gas, thus reducing the nutrient content in the treated effluent before discharge.

Drinking Water Treatment:

MBBR technology can also be utilized in drinking water treatment processes, particularly in the removal of dissolved organic matter and the reduction of taste and odor-causing compounds. MBBR systems offer an additional treatment step to enhance the removal of contaminants and improve water quality.In drinking water treatment, MBBR systems can be integrated as a polishing step to enhance the removal of dissolved organic matter. The MBBR media foster the growth of biofilm, which acts as a biological filter, effectively reducing the concentration of organic compounds and improving the taste and odor characteristics of the treated drinking water.

Industrial Water Treatment:

Industrial Wastewater Treatment:

MBBR technology is extensively applied in the treatment of industrial wastewater across various sectors, including chemical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, pulp and paper, and more. MBBR media provides an efficient means of treating complex and diverse industrial effluents containing organic compounds, heavy metals, and other pollutants. The flexibility of MBBR systems allows for easy adaptation to changing wastewater compositions and loads.In the chemical industry, MBBR technology can be utilized for the treatment of wastewater containing complex organic compounds, such as dyes, solvents, and various chemicals. MBBR systems provide a robust biological treatment process that can efficiently degrade and remove these pollutants, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations.

Petrochemical Industry:

MBBR technology finds applications in the treatment of wastewater generated in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. MBBR systems can effectively remove hydrocarbons, phenols, and other contaminants typically found in these industries.In the petrochemical industry, MBBR systems are employed to treat wastewater generated in petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. The MBBR media support the growth of microorganisms that can effectively degrade hydrocarbons, phenols, and other organic contaminants commonly found in these industries, resulting in the production of treated effluent that meets discharge standards.


MBBR technology is utilized in aquaculture systems to provide biological filtration for water treatment. MBBR media act as a substrate for the growth of beneficial bacteria that help in the conversion of ammonia and nitrite, which are toxic to fish, into less harmful forms, such as nitrate.In aquaculture systems, MBBR technology plays a vital role in maintaining water quality and providing a healthy environment for fish and other aquatic organisms. MBBR media act as a substrate for the attachment and growth of beneficial bacteria that convert toxic ammonia and nitrite, released from fish waste and feed, into less harmful nitrate. This helps prevent water pollution and ensures optimal conditions for the aquaculture system.

The advantages of MBBR technology in both municipal and industrial water treatment applications include compact design, high treatment efficiency, flexibility in operation, robustness against load variations, and resistance to shock loads. MBBR systems are also known for their low energy consumption and ease of maintenance, making them attractive options for a wide range of water treatment scenarios.

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