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Operational Tips for Improving the Efficiency of MBBR Systems

By: Kate Chen
Email: [email protected]
Date: Apr 17th, 2024


Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) technology is widely used in wastewater treatment as an efficient biological treatment technology. However, to ensure the efficient operation of MBBR systems, in addition to good design, operational techniques are also crucial. In this paper, we will introduce the operating techniques to improve the efficiency of MBBR system.


1. Regular monitoring of water quality parameters:

Regular monitoring of water quality parameters is one of the key steps to ensure the efficient operation of MBBR system. Including pH, dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature, COD (chemical oxygen demand), ammonia and other parameters. By monitoring the changes in these parameters, timely adjustment of operating parameters, to maintain the system running in the best state.

2. Appropriate control of load and ventilation:

Controlling load and aeration is an important means of regulating the treatment efficiency of MBBR system. Appropriate load can promote the growth and attachment of biofilm, improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment; and the appropriate amount of aeration can increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen, promote the activity of aerobic microorganisms, accelerate the degradation of organic matter in wastewater.

3. Periodic cleaning of the medium:

With the prolongation of operation time, the surface of MBBR media may accumulate dirt and biofilm, affecting its adhesion and biodegradation efficiency. Therefore, regular cleaning of the media is one of the important measures to keep the system running efficiently. Methods such as physical flushing or chemical cleaning can be used to restore the activity of the media.

4. Optimize media mixing and circulation:

Mixing and circulation of the media is essential to maintain a balanced distribution of oxygen and nutrients within the system. Optimizing the design and operating parameters of the mixing device ensures uniform distribution and circulation of the media within the reactor, improving biofilm adhesion and wastewater treatment efficiency.

5. Focus on operator training:

Finally, focusing on operator training and skill enhancement is also key to improving the efficiency of the MBBR system. Training the operation personnel to master the operation process and parameter adjustment skills of the system, and timely handling of abnormalities in operation can effectively improve the stability and treatment efficiency of the system.


The above five methods can effectively improve the treatment efficiency of MBBR system, reduce the operating costs, and realize the sustainable development of wastewater treatment system.


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