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Juntai Aeration Calculate

Date: 2023-08-11
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    Juntai Aeration Volume Calculator
Blue block is the design datameter : be filled in
Brown: calculate process data
Red : last result for your process
1.Aerobic Tank volume calculation
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Qmax 150 Daily sewage design flow, m3/d
So 400 Sewage untreated for five days - (BOD5 concentration), mg/l
Se 20 Five days after treatment - (BOD5 concentration), mg/l
BODSS 0.12 Sludge load, kg-BOD/kg·MLSS/day
MLSS 4000 Sludge concentration, mg/l
Result 118.75 M3
2.Denitrification cabinet volume calculation
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
NIKN 250 Concentration of ammonia nitrogen in treated effluent, mg/l
NETN 30 Concentration of ammonia nitrogen in treated effluent, mg/l
MDNL 0.5 Sludge denitrification load, kg-NH3-N/kg·MLSS/day
MLSS 3000 Sludge concentration, mg/l
Result 22 M3
3.Aeration Calculation
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Ro2- 172.35 Design sewage oxygen demand, kgO2/d
So- 400 Five-day biochemical oxygen demand of influent water, mg/L
Se- 20 Five-day biochemical oxygen demand of effluent, mg/L
△Xv- 11.08 Amount of microorganisms discharged from the oxidation tank to the system, kg/d
Nk- 275.00 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen in influent, mg/L
Nke- 45 Total Kjeldahl nitrogen in effluent, mg/L
Nt- 275.00 Total nitrogen in influent, mg/L
Noe- 21 Amount of nitrate nitrogen in effluent, mg/L
a- 1.47 Carbon equivalent, when the carbonaceous material is measured in terms of five-day
biochemical oxygen demand, take 1.47
b- 4.57 Constant, oxygen demand for oxidizing each kilogram of ammonia nitrogen, kgO2/kgN, take 4.57.
c- 1.42 Constant, oxygen content of bacterial cells, taken as 1.42
d- 0.08 Constant, sludge auto-oxidation rate, taken as 0.08
N'- 2.8 Average concentration of volatile suspended solids in the mixture (g vss/L)  at 70% of the sludge volume
θ- 30 Sludge age, 30d
Result 172.3518987  kgO2/d
4. Absolute Pressure Calculation 
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Pb- 133040 Absolute pressure at which the aeration device is located, Pa
H- 4.3 Aeration diffuser gas port at the water depth, m
(water depth minus the aeration disc installation height, according to the depth of the tank accounting)
P- 90900 Atmospheric pressure, Pa (actual atmospheric pressure at location)
Result 133040 Pa
5.Calculation of oxygen content in per cent
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Ot- 16.62% Percentage of oxygen in the gas escaping from the aeration basin, dimensionless
EA- 25% Transfer coefficient of diffusion device, % oxygen utilisation
 (value selected with reference to technical parameters provided by SSI manufacturer)
Result 0.166226913
6.Calculation of average dissolved value
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Csm 8.82 T℃、Average dissolved value of clear water from the depth of the water under which
 the actual aeration device is located to the surface of the pool, mg/1TC,
Csw 8.38 T℃、Saturated dissolved oxygen on the surface
of clear water at actual calculated pressure, mg/1(CS(20)
T- 25
Result 8.818924806 mg/L
7.Calculation of oxygen demand correction factor
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
KO- 1.715  Oxygen demand correction factor
Co- 2 Remaining dissolved oxygen concentration of mixed liquid, mg/L
Cs 9.17 Saturated dissolved oxygen mass
 concentration in clear water under standard condition, mg/1
α- 0.8 Transfer efficiency resistance coefficient,
the influence of the nature of wastewater on dissolved oxygen, correction factor K1a
Raw domestic sewagea value of about 0.4~0.5
Industrial wastewatera value varies greatly 0.8~0.85
The effect of salts in wastewater
 on dissolved oxygen, saturated oxygen resistance factor
β- 0.9 β value is generally between 0.9~0.97
Result 1.71478688
8.(Calculated on 24h basis) Aeration basin air supply volume Aeration basin air supply volume calculation
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Ro 295.52 kgO2/d
Gs 12.31 kgO2/h Aeration basin gas supply (24h)
Gs 175.91 m3/h
Gs 2.93 m3/min
Calculation Formula
Design parameters:
Gs max 3.66 m3/min
Gs max 219.88 m3/h
9.Air pressure required for aeration P (relative pressure)
Calculation Formula Ph1+h2+h3+h4+h
Design parameters:
h1+h2 0.2 m(Duct length and local resistance)
h3 4.3 m(Aeration head submergence depth)
h4 0.3 m(Aerator resistance)
h 0.5 m(Have a high head of water)
P 5.3 m(Total air pressure0.53kg/m2)

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